100+ ChatGPT Marketing Prompts to Save Time

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ChatGPT is taking the internet over by storm. And, if you haven’t used it by now, you’re missing out big time. But, how do you get the most out of ChatGPT, and what are the best commands to use to achieve what you want? In this article, I share 100+ ChatGPT marketing prompts that can be used for SEO, copywriting, content marketing, and more.


ChatGPT Copywriting Prompts

Use these prompts to improve your copywriting and the sales your marketing material generates.

  1. Create a compelling tagline for a new product or service.
  2. Write a persuasive email subject line to boost open rates.
  3. Write a social media post that encourages engagement.
  4. Develop a landing page headline that grabs attention.
  5. Write a product description that highlights its unique features and benefits.
  6. Craft a sales pitch for a new product launch.
  7. Create a call-to-action for a newsletter sign-up.
  8. Write a blog post that answers common questions in your industry.
  9. Develop a script for a video ad that tells a compelling story.
  10. Write a press release that announces a company milestone or new product launch.
  11. Create a series of tweets that promotes a limited-time offer.
  12. Write a case study that showcases how your product or service solved a customer’s problem.
  13. Develop a white paper that provides valuable insights in your industry.
  14. Craft an email marketing campaign that nurtures leads and converts them into customers.
  15. Write a landing page subheadline that reinforces the main headline and encourages action.
  16. Create a list of frequently asked questions and answers for your website.
  17. Write a product review that highlights the pros and cons of a product.
  18. Develop a newsletter that provides valuable information to your subscribers.
  19. Craft a blog post that shares your company’s mission and values.
  20. Write a customer testimonial that showcases the benefits of your product or service.

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ChatGPT SEO Prompts

Increase your organic rankings and search performance with these prompts.

  1. Write an SEO-friendly title tag for a blog post.
  2. Develop a meta description that encourages clicks and summarizes the content.
  3. Create a list of long-tail keywords that your target audience might search for.
  4. Write an SEO-optimized blog post that targets a specific keyword.
  5. Develop a link building strategy that focuses on quality over quantity.
  6. Write an SEO-friendly alt text for an image on your website.
  7. Conduct a technical SEO audit to identify and fix website errors.
  8. Create a sitemap for your website to help search engines crawl your pages.
  9. Write a guest post for a high-authority website to gain backlinks and increase visibility.
  10. Optimize your website’s load speed to improve user experience and search rankings.
  11. Conduct keyword research to identify high-potential search terms for your industry.
  12. Create a local SEO strategy to improve visibility in specific geographic regions.
  13. Write an engaging and informative meta title that incorporates your target keyword.
  14. Use internal linking to improve the structure and organization of your website.
  15. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your target audience and search intent.
  16. Optimize your website’s mobile responsiveness to improve user experience and search rankings.
  17. Create a Google My Business profile to improve visibility in local search results.
  18. Conduct a competitor analysis to identify opportunities for improvement in your SEO strategy.
  19. Write an SEO-friendly URL structure that incorporates your target keyword.
  20. Use schema markup to help search engines understand and display your content in search results.

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ChatGPT Content Marketing Prompts

Produce high-quality content that generates business for your company with the following prompts.

  1. Write a blog post that provides value to your target audience.
  2. Create an infographic that visually represents data related to your industry.
  3. Write a case study that showcases how your product or service solved a customer’s problem.
  4. Develop an e-book that provides valuable insights or tips for your target audience.
  5. Create a video that showcases your product or service in action.
  6. Write a white paper that explores a relevant topic in your industry.
  7. Develop a webinar that educates your audience on a specific topic or solution.
  8. Write a series of social media posts that promote your content and drive engagement.
  9. Create a podcast that provides valuable information to your target audience.
  10. Develop a newsletter that provides valuable information or updates to your subscribers.
  11. Write a how-to guide that helps your audience solve a common problem.
  12. Create a series of email marketing campaigns that nurture leads and convert them into customers.
  13. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your target audience and business goals.
  14. Write a guest post for a high-authority website to gain exposure and drive traffic to your site.
  15. Create a case study video that showcases the success of a customer using your product or service.
  16. Write a listicle that provides tips or recommendations related to your industry.
  17. Develop a series of social media ads that promote your content and drive traffic to your site.
  18. Create a quiz that engages your target audience and provides insights related to your industry.
  19. Write an ultimate guide that provides comprehensive information on a specific topic.
  20. Develop a content calendar that outlines your content strategy and publishing schedule.

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ChatGPT Web Development Prompts

Improve your web design and development process with the prompts below.

  1. Develop a wireframe for a new website or web page.
  2. Create a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
  3. Write clean and semantic HTML code that improves website performance and accessibility.
  4. Develop a custom WordPress theme that aligns with your branding and business goals.
  5. Create a mobile app that provides value to your target audience.
  6. Develop an e-commerce website that provides a seamless shopping experience for your customers.
  7. Optimize your website’s load speed to improve user experience and search rankings.
  8. Write efficient and scalable CSS code that improves website design and functionality.
  9. Develop a custom web application that solves a specific problem for your target audience.
  10. Create a user-friendly navigation menu that helps visitors easily find what they’re looking for.
  11. Conduct user testing to identify and improve website usability and accessibility.
  12. Develop a landing page that encourages action and improves conversion rates.
  13. Write a script for an explainer video that showcases your product or service.
  14. Create a design style guide that ensures consistency and brand recognition across all platforms.
  15. Develop a custom plugin that improves website functionality and user experience.
  16. Write an engaging and informative meta title and description that improve click-through rates.
  17. Conduct A/B testing to improve website design and conversion rates.
  18. Develop a website that aligns with accessibility guidelines and provides equal access to all users.
  19. Write a custom JavaScript code that improves website interactivity and functionality.
  20. Create a custom logo that aligns with your branding and business goals.

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ChatGPT Social Media Marketing Prompts

Grow your social media following with the help of these prompts.

  1. Develop a social media content calendar that aligns with your business goals and target audience.
  2. Write a social media post that promotes a new product or service.
  3. Create an engaging social media graphic that encourages engagement and shares.
  4. Develop a social media influencer strategy that aligns with your brand and target audience.
  5. Write a social media post that highlights a customer success story or testimonial.
  6. Create a social media contest or giveaway that encourages engagement and brand awareness.
  7. Develop a social media advertising campaign that reaches your target audience and improves conversions.
  8. Write a social media post that promotes an upcoming event or webinar.
  9. Create a social media video that showcases your product or service in action.
  10. Develop a social media hashtag campaign that encourages engagement and brand awareness.
  11. Write a social media post that educates your audience on a relevant topic in your industry.
  12. Create a social media quiz or poll that engages your audience and provides valuable insights.
  13. Develop a social media community management strategy that improves engagement and customer satisfaction.
  14. Write a social media post that celebrates a company milestone or achievement.
  15. Create a social media live stream that educates or entertains your audience.
  16. Develop a social media crisis management plan that addresses negative feedback or comments.
  17. Write a social media post that promotes a limited-time offer or sale.
  18. Create a social media infographic that visually represents data related to your industry.
  19. Develop a social media employee advocacy program that improves brand awareness and credibility.
  20. Write a social media post that showcases your company culture and values.

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ChatGPT Email Marketing Prompts

Boost email marketing open rates, click-throughs, and conversions with these prompts.

  1. Write a subject line that encourages your subscribers to open your email.
  2. Create an email template that aligns with your brand and supports your business goals.
  3. Develop a segmented email list that targets specific groups of subscribers with relevant content.
  4. Write an email that promotes a new product or service.
  5. Create an email that highlights a customer success story or testimonial.
  6. Develop an email series that provides valuable information and builds trust with your subscribers.
  7. Write an email that promotes an upcoming event or webinar.
  8. Create an email that announces a new feature or update to your product or service.
  9. Develop an abandoned cart email campaign that encourages subscribers to complete a purchase.
  10. Write an email that promotes a limited-time offer or sale.
  11. Create an email that showcases your company culture and values.
  12. Develop an email welcome series that introduces new subscribers to your brand and provides valuable information.
  13. Write an email that offers exclusive content or discounts to subscribers.
  14. Create an email that asks for feedback or a customer review.
  15. Develop a re-engagement email campaign that targets inactive subscribers and encourages them to re-engage with your brand.
  16. Write an email that shares industry news or insights related to your product or service.
  17. Create an email that promotes a referral program or encourages subscribers to share your brand with their network.
  18. Develop a personalized email campaign that targets individual subscribers with tailored content.
  19. Write an email that asks for a social media follow or engagement.
  20. Create an email that announces a partnership or collaboration with another brand.

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ChatGPT Advertising Prompts (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.)

Get a better return on ad spend (ROAS) with the help of the following prompts.

  1. Develop a keyword list that targets relevant search terms for your business.
  2. Write a Google Ads ad that includes a compelling headline and call-to-action.
  3. Create a landing page that aligns with your Google Ads campaign and encourages conversions.
  4. Develop a remarketing campaign that targets users who have previously visited your website.
  5. Write a Google Ads ad that promotes a limited-time offer or sale.
  6. Create a Google Ads campaign that targets specific geographic regions or audiences.
  7. Develop a Google Ads campaign that targets competitor brand terms.
  8. Write a Google Ads ad that highlights customer reviews or testimonials.
  9. Create a Google Ads campaign that targets specific devices or platforms.
  10. Develop a Google Ads campaign that targets specific product or service categories.

Facebook Ads

  1. Create a Facebook Ad that includes an eye-catching image or video.
  2. Develop a Facebook Ads campaign that targets specific demographic or interest groups.
  3. Write a Facebook Ad that promotes a limited-time offer or sale.
  4. Create a Facebook Ads campaign that includes a lead generation form.
  5. Develop a Facebook Ads campaign that targets users who have previously engaged with your brand.
  6. Write a Facebook Ad that highlights customer reviews or testimonials.
  7. Create a Facebook Ads campaign that targets specific geographic regions or audiences.
  8. Develop a Facebook Ads campaign that includes a Messenger chatbot for customer engagement.
  9. Write a Facebook Ad that promotes an upcoming event or webinar.
  10. Create a Facebook Ads campaign that includes a carousel ad format to showcase multiple products or services.

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ChatGPT Market Research Prompts

Better understand your customer, industry, and competitors by using these prompts.

  1. Identify key trends in your industry and how they might impact your business.
  2. Conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) to identify areas for improvement.
  3. Develop a customer persona that reflects your target audience and their needs.
  4. Conduct a survey to gather insights from your customers about your product or service.
  5. Analyze your competitors and their marketing strategies.
  6. Conduct a focus group to gather feedback on a new product or service.
  7. Develop a pricing strategy that aligns with your target market and business goals.
  8. Conduct a market segmentation analysis to identify target customer groups.
  9. Use social media listening tools to gather insights on customer sentiment and preferences.
  10. Analyze customer reviews and feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  11. Conduct a usability test to gather feedback on the user experience of your website or product.
  12. Develop a content marketing strategy that aligns with your target audience and business goals.
  13. Conduct a brand perception analysis to understand how your brand is perceived by customers.
  14. Analyze website traffic data to identify patterns and areas for improvement.
  15. Conduct a market sizing analysis to estimate the potential market size for your product or service.

Final Thoughts on ChatGPT Marketing Prompts

The marketing prompts for ChatGPT that I covered today are the tip of the iceberg. Have fun with the tool, and be creative. Come up with your own prompts and sequences to achieve your business goals.

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