Copy Pro Academy

The Entire Toolbox to 10x Your Copywriting and Marketing Skills, and Professional Income.

Plus, access to a private community of marketers and coaching from Carmine. For a price cheaper than Netflix.


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As Featured In

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Transform Your Copywriting Skills, Lightning Fast

This comprehensive membership covers everything you need to take your copywriting skills to the next level:

Struggling to write sales copy confidently?

Feel like you’re wrestling with words every time you sit down to write sales copy? You’re not alone.

The blinking cursor can feel like a big, intimidating wall, especially when you’re trying to persuade someone to take action.

Maybe you’re constantly second-guessing yourself, wondering if your choice of words will resonate with your audience, or if your message will just get lost in the sea of content out there.

And let’s not even start on that nagging question: “Will this actually convert, or am I just wasting my time?”

It’s like you’re stuck in a loop of writing, deleting, and rewriting. Not exactly the creative, rewarding process you imagined, right?

Well, take a deep breath. It’s time to leave all that stress and frustration behind. I’ve designed a copywriting course that’s all about making your life easier and your copy more effective.

Picture yourself writing with newfound confidence, your words flowing effortlessly onto the page.

Imagine knowing exactly what to say to captivate your audience and compel them to take action.

No more guesswork. No more self-doubt. Just clear, persuasive copy that truly converts. Sound like a dream? It’s not. It’s exactly what you’ll get from this course.

This course is jam-packed with everything I’ve learned from years of writing successful sales copy.

I’ll take you behind the scenes, sharing my proven strategies, techniques, and secrets for writing copy that not only sounds good but actually drives results.

You’ll get a step-by-step blueprint for the entire copywriting process, from understanding your audience to crafting compelling headlines and calls to action.

But that’s not all. I believe in learning by doing. That’s why this course is filled with practical exercises and real-world examples that will help you apply what you learn right away.

And, of course, you’ll get my personal feedback and coaching, saving you years of trial and error.

Say goodbye to the struggle and hello to the thrill of writing copy that truly connects and converts. Ready to level up your copywriting game? Enroll today.

Can’t get clients to pay the bills?

Let’s be real–you’re not just in this to write killer copy. You’ve got bills to pay, maybe a family to support, and dreams to chase.

And to do that, you need clients. Good ones. The kind that values your work and is happy to pay for it.

But landing those clients? That’s a whole different game. And it can be tougher than a two-dollar steak.

Maybe you’re throwing proposals into the abyss of job boards, crossing your fingers and toes, and hearing… crickets.

Or perhaps you’re stuck in the hamster wheel of low-paying gigs, writing your heart out but barely making ends meet.

And let’s not even talk about the ‘free’ gigs. We’ve all been there, right?

This isn’t what you signed up for. You’re a writer, not a salesperson.

But here’s the thing … to thrive in the copywriting world, you need to be a bit of both.

You need to sell yourself, your skills, and the value you bring. And that’s where most copywriters stumble.

But guess what? You’re about to get a leg up on the competition.

My course isn’t just about teaching you to write compelling copy (although I’ve got that covered). It’s also about equipping you with the business skills you need to succeed as a freelance copywriter and getting paid like this…

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Copywriting payment

In the course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify your unique value proposition that’ll make clients pick you over the competition.
  • Craft a killer portfolio that showcases your best work and wins over clients.
  • Write pitches that don’t just land in the ‘maybe’ pile but get you the gig.
  • Negotiate rates like a pro so that you’re paid what you’re worth.
  • Network effectively to build relationships that lead to high-paying, long-term clients.
  • Perform outreach, create content, and other strategies that have made me hundreds of thousands of dollars as a writer.

In short, you’ll learn how to turn your copywriting skills into a thriving business.

So say goodbye to low-paying gigs and hello to the financial freedom you deserve.

My Story and How I Became a 7-Figure Copywriter

Alright, I’m gonna level with you here. The journey to becoming a successful copywriter?

Not always a walk in the park. Nope, not even close.

I had my fair share of struggles, a ton of rejections, and moments when I thought, “Is this even worth it?”

I started out just like you, trying to figure out how to string together words that sell.

I was hustling, writing copy in my cramped apartment, surviving on instant ramen because clients were as rare as a blue moon.

I was stuck in a loop, feeling like I was always at square one, no matter how hard I tried.

But guess what? I didn’t throw in the towel. I kept pushing, kept learning, kept refining my craft.

And you know what they say about persistence, right? It eventually pays off. And boy, did it pay off for me!

One day, I got an email. “Hey, would you be interested in writing for us?” it read. And the sender? None other than Dan Lok.

Yeah, you heard it right! Dan freaking Lok! That’s when the wheel started turning, and there was no looking back.

I went on to write for big names like Neil Patel, GoDaddy, and some of the biggest businesses in the world.

I was finally in the big leagues, doing what I love, and getting paid handsomely for it. I became that six-figure copywriter I once dreamed of being.

But here’s the thing, my friend. I didn’t forget where I started. I remember the struggle, the hustle, the burning midnight oil.

And that’s why I’ve put together this course. I’m not here to just teach you copywriting. I’m here to give you the roadmap I wish I had when I was starting out.

The one that took me from writing in my dingy apartment to penning copy for some of the biggest names in the industry.

My course isn’t just a bunch of theory. Nah, that’s not my style. It’s packed full of practical strategies, real-world advice, and the exact steps I took to climb to the top.

And guess what? If I can do it, so can you.

I’m ready to share all I’ve learned with you. All the secrets, all the tips, all the strategies that took me from zero to hero. 

What Makes The Academy Different?

Okay, let’s get real here. There’s a sea of copywriting courses out there, so you might be thinking, “What makes this one stand out from the crowd?”

First off, I’ve been in your shoes, I know what it’s like to drown in a sea of jargon and theory, to feel the frustration of not knowing how to apply the principles you’ve learned.

Many courses out there are all about theory, but they often lack practical application. They don’t show you how to put your knowledge to use, to write copy that actually converts.

In this bootcamp, I take you by the hand and show you exactly how to go from theory to practice. No fluff, just straight-up actionable insights you can apply immediately.

Secondly, a lot of the ‘gurus’ out there teaching copywriting have never really gotten their hands dirty.

They haven’t done the work, haven’t tasted failure, and certainly haven’t helped big-name clients rake in millions. I have.

I’ve worked with the likes of Dan Lok and Neil Patel, and I’ve helped some of the biggest businesses on the planet drive more revenue.

I’ve been in the trenches, and I’m going to share every nugget of wisdom I’ve picked up along the way.

And thirdly, this ain’t just a course, it’s a community. When you sign up for the bootcamp, you get lifetime access to our private mastermind group.

It’s a place where you can network with other like-minded individuals, share your challenges, celebrate your wins, and get feedback on your copy.

It’s like a secret club for copywriters, and trust me, it’s worth the price of admission alone.

Not to mention I will personally edit and critique all of your sales copy, work, and projects. Nobody else can say that.

So, that’s why the bootcamp is different. It’s practical, it’s based on real-world experience, and it’s a community. 

The Transformation You'll Have

You’re here because you want to make a change, right?

You’re tired of being stuck in the same old rut, dealing with the same old problems.

You’re ready to level up your copywriting game.

Well, you’re in the right place. This course is a game-changer.

It’s like the supercharger for your copywriting career. Once you’ve completed this course, you’re not going to recognize the person staring back at you from the mirror.

You see, this course isn’t just about learning how to write killer copy (although, let’s be honest, that’s a pretty sweet part of it).

It’s about transformation.

It’s about taking you from where you are now, maybe feeling stuck, unsure, or unfulfilled, to where you want to be.

It’s about giving you the confidence, the skills, and the know-how to conquer the world of copywriting.

After you’ve completed this course, here’s what you can expect:

  • Skyrocketing Confidence: You’re going to walk into any room (or Zoom meeting, because, you know, it’s the 21st century) with your head held high, ready to take on any copywriting challenge that comes your way. Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to unshakeable confidence.

  • Unleashing Your Potential: You’ve got a ton of untapped potential inside of you, just waiting to burst out. This course is going to help you unleash that potential and channel it into creating copy that is persuasive, engaging, and downright irresistible.

  • Real Results: We’re not just talking about hypothetical scenarios here. We’re talking about real, tangible results. More clients. More income. More recognition. More satisfaction. More everything.

  • Solving Problems: Every copywriter faces obstacles. It’s part of the game. But with the skills and knowledge you gain from this course, those obstacles are going to look like tiny speed bumps on your road to success. Writer’s block? Smashed it. Difficulty landing clients? Not a problem. Struggling to write persuasive copy? Consider it handled.

This isn’t just another online course. It’s a life-changing journey. It’s a journey that’s going to transform you from an aspiring copywriter to a bona fide copywriting rockstar.

What's Included

This extensive program provides a wealth of resources designed to elevate your copywriting skills and your confidence.

Copywriting Mastery mockup

Copywriting Mastery Course - ($1,997+ Value)

Master copywriting and learn my personal process and strategies I haven’t shared before.

High Income Copywriting mockup

High Income Copywriting Course - ($1,997+ Value)

Build a profitable freelance writing business, be your own boss, and finally be financially free.

SEO copywriting mockup

SEO Copywriting Course - ($297+ Value)

Write sales copy that ranks #1 on Google and drives massive organic traffic and awareness.

Email copywriting course

Email Copywriting Course - ($297+ Value)

Learn insider strategies for writing emails that convert without hitting constantly hitting writer’s block.

SEO copywriting mockup

Website Copywriting Course - ($297+ Value)

Write sales copy that ranks #1 on Google and drives massive organic traffic and awareness.

Digital marketing course

Digital Marketing Course - ($297+ Value)

Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing and how to turn it into a career.

Copywriting tutorial mockup

Copywriting Tutorials

Watch me write sales copy from scratch and learn my personal processes and tactics.

Coaching session

Feedback and Mentoring - ($2,000+ Value)

I will hold your hand through writing copy, pitching clients, building your portfolio, and more so that you have a personal mentor.

Private Discord

Private Discord Mastermind

Ask questions, get feedback, and network with like-minded copywriters.

Person counting money

Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing

Become an affiliate and share your referral code to generate commissions on course purchases.

Copy Pro dash

New Courses and Products

Access to new courses, products, and lessons released on a weekly/monthly basis.

Certificate example

Certificate of Completion

Each course completion gives you a certificate you can use on your resume, social media, or website.

Person texting

Accountability Check-ins

Accountability check-ins to ensure you’re growing and reaching your goals.

Course updates

Lifetime Updates and Access

Get lifetime permanent access to all courses, products, and future updates.

Template mockup

Templates, Worksheets, and Formulas ($997+ Value)

Use my personal copywriting templates and formulas to save time and maximize sales copy performance.

Carmine posing with car

Meet Your Instructor

I’m Carmine Mastropierro, a seasoned copywriter who has penned copy for Neil Patel, Dan Lok, GoDaddy, and some of the world’s most successful businesses.

As a copywriting instructor inside Dan Lok’s Copycademy, I specialize in SEO copywriting and marketing funnels.

Additionally, I manage 7 figures in monthly advertising spend as a Senior Advertising Manager.

Who's This Membership For?

Business Owners

Learn to write sales copy that drives more customer and conversions for your business. Write ads, web pages, emails, and more without having to hire a writer.


Level up your high-income copywriting skills to close more clients and provide a better service.


Does your job involve copywriting? Expense this course while improving your writing skills to improve your career performance, interviews, and resume.

What My Students Say

Listen to what students and people I've worked with have said.

"Copy Pro Academy is the best course on copywriting".
"This course has helped me tremendously".
Copywriter, Student
"The work we've done together will translate into tens of millions of dollars."
Copywriter, Student
"For a copywriting course, Carmine Mastropierro is the best one to go to."
Marketing Major, Student
"The work we've done together will translate into tens of millions of dollars."
"I run a freelance agency and the tactics Carmine talks about in his course are super valuable."
"Copy Pro Academy is the #1 resource to become a freelance copywriter, get a copywriting job, or apply copywriting strategies to a business."
"SEO was confusing and overwhelming. I thought I needed expensive tools, but after the course, everything became clear. "
"Working with Coach Carmine has been a game changer!"
Copywriter, Student
"I just finished Carmine's copywriting course, it was really helpful and beneficial."
Copywriter, Student
"Learning copywriting from Carmine has been amazing."
Copywriter, Student
"If you're planning on copywriting, you should definitely take Carmine's courses."
Copywriter, Student
"Before Carmine's courses, I was feeling lost and didn't know where to begin."
Copywriter, Student
"There's so much value in your courses and I appreciate the help."
Copywriter, Student
"Shout out to Carmine Mastropierro for his courses and the amazing value he gives."
Caleb Graham
Copywriter, Student
"I took Carmine's course and understood everything about copywriting for the first time. I was quickly able to write my first sales letter and was so happy."
Copywriter, Student
"Carmine is a great coach and goes out of his way to help."
Copywriter, Student
"Such an amazing and helpful offer."
Copywriter, Student
"The information in the course has helped me more than any other course I've ever seen."
Copywriter, Student
Email testimonial
Messenger testimonial
Testimonial 4
Testimonial 1
Testimonial 2
"I absolutely love your copywriting content and it has helped me gain several internships around content writing."
Subha Bhattacharya
Subha Bhattacharya
"Man, I don't know what to say to you. You are a treasure! Mr. Value. You deserve all the best from this world."
Money Mind
Money Mind Brand
Content Creator, Writer

Invest in Your Future

With 10,000+ students achieving remarkable results, it’s time for you to step up your game. Enroll today and master the art of copywriting to drive more conversions, increase revenue, and foster growth.

Total Value: $6,885+

Copy Pro Academy

$ 19
Per Month
  • Copywriting Mastery Course ($1,997 Value).
  • High-Income Copywriting Course ($1,997 Value).
  • Website Copywriting Course ($297 Value).
  • Email Copywriting Course ($297 Value).
  • SEO Copywriting Course ($297 Value).
  • Digital Marketing Foundations Course ($297 Value).
  • Access to Exclusive Private Discord Group.
  • Personalized Feedback and Critique ($250/Hour Value).
  • Accountability Check-Ins to Ensure Growth.
  • Comprehensive Selection of Downloadables ($1,000 Value).
  • In-depth Templates, Worksheets, and Exercises ($1,000 Value).
  • Expense and Write-Off.
  • Certificate of Completion.
  • New Courses Added Regularly.
  • Lifetime Access to The Course and All Updates.

Get 2 free months by paying annually!


Answers to frequently asked questions I get from my students.

All students receive free unlimited mentoring and help via my new private Discord community and email. You are free to ask me and other students for feedback, help with clients, or anything else you need. Additionally, you gain personal access to me via email for critique.

Each course features up to dozens of video lessons, over-the-shoulder trainings, exercises, quizzes, and my personal templates and blueprints I’ve never shared before.

I regularly update and add new content to ensure you have access to the latest information and resources. Expect new courses and materials to be added monthly or more often.

Yes! If you subscribe annually, you will get 2 free months ($200/year) versus paying $20/month ($240/year).

Yes, upon completing each course, you will receive a certificate of completion, which you can use to showcase your learning achievements.

The courses are self-paced. This means that you could potentially complete it within a couple of weeks, a few months, or longer. It’s completely up to you. However, I highly recommend that you take the time to read every lesson, watch the videos, and—most importantly—complete the exercises. These will greatly advance your skills and give you the first-hand experience that’s 100% essential as a copywriter. Also keep in mind that you have lifetime access and updates ( with no annual fees) so take as long as you need to reap the benefits.

After you purchase a membership, you will be automatically enrolled and forwarded to the course curriculum, inside Teachable (the platform I teach on). You will also be sent a confirmation email and login details. There will be a link to join my private community within the first module as well. 

Every student is welcome to a 100% refund with my 7-day money-back guarantee. If you decide that you are not fit for the course after this, please send me an email and I will immediately refund you.