Textbroker Review – Is It a Scam or Legit?

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Interesting in finding freelance writing work or hiring writers for your next project?

Then Textbroker is a content service provider you have to consider.

But hold your horses.

You need to make sure they’re a legitimate company and worth trusting before you dedicate yourself to their platform.

That’s why I’m doing this Textbroker review today.

I’ll be researching into their company history, testimonials, and more to determine if they’re a scam or not.

Let’s see what I find…

What is Textbroker?


Textbroker is a platform that empowers both writers and businesses.

Their service helps freelancers find work and gives businesses the content they need for their website.

It’s win-win!

They have over 100,000 verified authors waiting to write content for your business at affordable prices.

Over 80,000 satisfied clients have used Textbroker to outsource content writing which speaks to its effectiveness, too.

They don’t have over ten million content orders for no reason!

There are many benefits to using Textbroker as a hirer, such as:

  1. You can order content very quickly and easily. Asking for edits and reviewing content submissions is also streamlined. This speeds up the entire process from getting content written to publishing it on your website.
  2. There are no contracts or monthly subscriptions. You order content when you need it.
  3. You will never get plagiarized content.
  4. The user interface and dashboard are easy to use and navigate.
  5. Take advantage of Textbroker’s API to automatically publish content.
  6. Orders can be exported to your WordPress account if you use it as a CMS.
  7. Spreadsheets can be uploaded such as content calendars for bulk orders.
  8. Work with writers who specialize in your industry.

On the flip side, freelance writers can earn a good living or side income by joining Textbroker.

You will be completely in charge of when you work and how many projects you take on.

This gives you increased amounts of income while still staying very flexible.

There are also tons of resources Textbroker will give you to make you a better writer which means more earning potential.

Yoast, Staples, and eBay are some of their regular clients. Imagine writing for companies like that and including it in your portfolio!

Next, I’m going to show you how to sign up for Textbroker.

Textbroker registration

Signing up begins by clicking the “Sign Up” button from the top navigation on Textbroker’s homepage.

Textbroker sign up

Choose between registering as a client or an author depending on your situation.

Textbroker registration

Clicking the client option will display the following registration form:

Registering as a client

It’s much simpler and quicker to sign up if you require content which brings me to my next point of signing up as an author. Clicking “Sign me up as an author” will bring you to this page:

TextBroker registering as author

The form requires a lot more information as Textbroker is serious about only onboarding skilled writers.

All authors are required to submit a writing sample to determine their expertise before being accepted into the platform, as well.

They will give you a topic and guidelines for the sample content to based on. Take your time and write something that will wow them so much they’ll be begging to accept you.

Textbroker pricing

You can start hiring content writers for as little as $0.01/word. That means you can ramp up your content marketing to grow your business while keeping costs low.

Who doesn’t want that?

Here’s the pricing chart from their official website that displays all of the author levels you can choose from:

Textbroker pricing

The first is the two-star level which could contain spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. This is the cheapest order level you can make and will most likely require editing to perfect.

The three-star author level offers average quality writing with quick processing. This will cost you $0.02/word which is still very affordable. A 2,000 word article would only be $40 at this rate.

The four-star authors will write very good quality content and is the most popular level for clients because it’s a bang-for-your-buck model. Content costs $2.7 cents/word here.

Lastly, five-star writers demand $7.2 cents/word but will give you professional quality content that’s ready to publish with little to no editing required.

I would recommend starting off with some of the lower level authors to get a feel for the platform, ordering process, and if Textbroker is for you.

Overall, their pricing is pretty solid if you’re looking to outsource content. It’s better than some other content mills out there but on-par to many, as well.

Is Textbroker legit?

Can you trust Textbroker? Are they a scam? I conducted some research to find out an answer for you starting with their Better Business Bureau page.

The BBB is a non-profit institution that has the #1 goal of business transparency.

A company’s BBB page shows customer reviews, how many years they’ve been in business, and whether they are accredited or not.

Here’s Textbroker’s.

Textbroker BBB

They have an A+ rating which is determined by their advertising, customer service, and general business practices. This is a good sign they are trustworthy and conduct themselves in a professional manner.

However, they unfortunately have one star out of five from three customer reviews like this one:

Textbroker BBB review

This previous user of Textbroker had a poor experience with the application process. They were concerned that they didn’t know where their personal information ended up after receiving no response from support.

It’s important to remember that cases like these are rare.

If you follow the instructions correctly and abide by the terms of service, you will have a positive experience with any platform.

You can find negative reviews for any business, as well, so I wouldn’t let a few bad testimonials prevent you from trying Textbroker.

Overall they are a legitimate company with an established history.

Is Textbroker only for US citizens?

Textbroker has no country restrictions for clients. This means that you are free to use their platform for outsourcing content writing no matter where your company is located.

However, authors are limited to the United States. During the registration process, there are no other options than America when you click the “Country” box.

Textbroker payment methods

Clients can deposit money into their account via PayPal or major credit cards.

Authors, on the other hand, can only withdraw earnings to their PayPal account.

PayPal is completely free to sign up for, so ensure you have an account set up with them before applying to become an author with Textbroker.

Final thoughts on Textbroker

Textbroker is a great platform for earning money as a freelance writer or outsourcing work to scale content campaigns.

Their pricing model is average in the sense it’s based on a per word basis. The individual rates are affordable and better than some other content writing mills.

Being able to choose from different levels of writers is a nice touch, too. This allows you to test the water before investing in more expensive authors.

The one downside is that you must be from the United States if you wish to become a writer.

If you’re a freelance writer and want to learn how to generate income working for yourself, check out these previous articles I’ve published:

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