5+ LinkedIn Copywriting Examples to Learn From

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Let’s face it: LinkedIn isn’t just a networking powerhouse, it’s a goldmine for savvy marketers who know the art of copywriting.

If you’re aiming to cut through the noise and truly stand out, understanding the ins and outs of LinkedIn copywriting isn’t just a skill—it’s an absolute necessity.

In the digital world, where every scroll is a potential lead and every click a prospective sale, crafting compelling copy is the secret sauce to not just surviving, but thriving.

Whether you’re a solopreneur wearing multiple hats or a dedicated content creator, this post is your map to the world of LinkedIn copywriting examples that convert, engage, and sell.

1. Alex Cattoni Copywriting Post

Alex Cattoni post

This LinkedIn example from Alex Cattoni lists “15 reasons why copywriting is the best job in the world,” and it does several things right from a copywriting and SEO perspective.

1. Clear and Engaging Headline: The headline is straightforward and hooks the reader by claiming copywriting as “the BEST job in the world.” This superlative form is emotionally charged and can increase click-through rates.

2. Numbered List: People love lists because they are easy to skim. A numbered list promises a clear, concise, and organized read, which is perfect for the LinkedIn audience who may be browsing during a break or in-between tasks.

3. Direct Benefits: Each point highlights a direct benefit, tapping into the reader’s self-interest. From “It’s timeless” to “It’s FUN,” the post focuses on positive aspects that are universally appealing, which is great as it matches a variety of search intents.

4. Use of ‘You’: The copy is written in the second person, which is more engaging as it speaks directly to the reader. This helps in building a connection and is a good practice for SEO copywriting as it can improve user engagement metrics.

5. Brevity and Readability: The points are concise and to the point. This aligns with best practices for web writing where paragraphs are kept short to improve readability and retain the reader’s attention.

6. Encouraging Action and Continuation: The post ends with questions and a call to action, prompting engagement. This can lead to higher visibility on the platform and potentially improve the post’s reach.

7. Link to a Free Resource: Offering a free guide is a great lead magnet. It also provides value to the audience, establishing the author’s credibility. This strategy can be replicated by providing downloadable resources.

8. Keywords: While not overt, the post is likely optimized around keywords such as “copywriting,” “best job,” and possibly “copywriting guide.” Including relevant keywords naturally can help LinkedIn posts show up in search results both on and off the platform.

9. Social Proof: The author’s credentials are mentioned (“Founder of The Copy Posse | 📈280K on YouTube”), which adds authority to the post.

To implement these strategies in your own LinkedIn copywriting:

  • Start with a compelling headline that addresses a strong benefit or a bold claim.
  • Use lists to make your content more digestible.
  • Highlight benefits that speak directly to your audience.
  • Write in the second person to engage with readers.
  • Keep your sentences and paragraphs short.
  • End with a question or call to action to encourage engagement.
  • Offer a lead magnet to provide value and capture leads.
  • Use keywords strategically without stuffing.
  • Include social proof to enhance credibility.

2. Impact’s Influencer Partnerships Guide

Impact linkedin copywriting

This is a post from Impact promoting a guide on “Influencer Partnerships,” several strategic elements stand out that are not only attention-grabbing but also SEO-friendly. Here’s a breakdown of the copywriting strategies used:

1. Direct and Action-Oriented Language: The post starts with “Ready to grow your business through influencer partnerships?” This is a direct call to businesses and marketers, sparking interest right away in those looking to leverage influencer marketing. This type of language can help with search rankings as it aligns with intent-based queries.

2. Offering a Solution: The copy offers a “visual guide to the essential stages to influencer partnerships,” immediately presenting a solution to the reader’s potential need. It’s crucial to match content with user intent and providing solutions is one way to do that.

3. Benefit-Driven Proposition: The post promises to help the reader “get more from your influencers from day-one.” This clearly outlines the benefit of engaging with the content, which is important for conversion rates.

4. Visually Appealing Graphics: The post includes an appealing image with the title “INFLUENCER PARTNERSHIPS” and a subheading that reads “HOW TO MANAGE THE FULL LIFE CYCLE.”

5. Clarity of Content: The image is clear and uncluttered with a straightforward message, which makes it easy to understand at a glance.

6. Call-to-Action (CTA): A strong CTA is present — “GET THE INFOGRAPHIC.” CTAs are essential for conversion optimization and can also drive new business if they lead to pages that provide relevant and valuable content.

7. Visual Hierarchy and Design: The use of contrasting colors (red background with white text) creates a visual hierarchy, guiding the reader’s eye to the most important elements.

8. Social Proof: While not explicit in the copy, the number of followers (“56,858 followers”) acts as social proof, enhancing credibility.

To apply these strategies in your LinkedIn copywriting:

  • Begin with a direct question or statement that identifies the audience’s problem or need.
  • Offer a clear solution or benefit early in the copy.
  • Use benefit-driven language to explain what the reader will gain.
  • Incorporate visually appealing graphics to grab attention.
  • Make sure the content of your post is clear and easy to digest.
  • Include a strong CTA that encourages engagement.
  • Use design elements to create a visual hierarchy in your post.
  • Leverage social proof to build trust with your audience.

3. IHG Hotel’s Post

IHG Hotels Post

In the LinkedIn post from IHG Hotels & Resorts, several key copywriting strategies are used to promote their event spaces.

1. Clarity and Specificity: The post starts with a clear and specific proposition: “With 19 hotel brands from InterContinental to Holiday Inn, you’ll find the right-sized space for your meeting or event from 5 – 500+ attendees.” It addresses directly the pain point of finding a suitable venue.

2. Inclusion of Numbers: The use of numbers, such as “19 hotel brands” and “5 – 500+ attendees,” adds concreteness to the post, making the offer more tangible.

3. Visual Representation of Brands: The image showcases the variety of hotel brands under the IHG umbrella, reinforcing the message of variety and options.

4. Call-to-Action (CTA): The strong call-to-action, “Book your meeting now or call 1-800-MEETING today,” encourages immediate action.

5. Authority and Trust: The sheer number of followers (over 1 million) adds an element of authority and trust to the post.

6. Simple and Accessible Language: The copy is written in simple language that is easy to understand, which is critical for reaching a wider audience.

7. Highlighting a Key Benefit: The benefit of finding “the right-sized space” is a key selling point that is highlighted prominently. LinkedIn copy content should always aim to quickly communicate the key benefit.

8. Use of Action Verbs: The post uses action verbs like “find” and “book,” which can create a sense of urgency and prompt action. Including such verbs can improve social engagement.

Here are some other takeaways we can learn from IHG:

  • Start with a clear, specific proposition that addresses the audience’s needs.
  • Use numbers to add credibility and capture attention.
  • Include images that complement and reinforce your message.
  • Craft a strong CTA that prompts immediate action.
  • Leverage social proof to build trust with your audience.
  • Keep the language simple and accessible to reach a wider audience.
  • Highlight the key benefits of your offer early in the copy.
  • Use action verbs to create a sense of urgency.

4. Digital Marketing Case Study

Digital Marketing Case Study

The LinkedIn post from Tom-James Lee highlights a success story, revealing social proof to make an interesting piece of content that generates his marketing business leads.

1. Use of Strong Opening Statistics: The post opens with impressive statistics, a 182% increase in orders and a 44% decrease in CPC (Cost Per Click), which immediately grabs attention.

2. Narrative Structure: The post tells a story of transformation, detailing a problem-solution-result arc. Think about how you can introduce storytelling in your posts.

3. Simple Step-by-Step Format: The breakdown into steps (review, improvement, structured strategy) simplifies the process for the reader, making the company’s approach understandable.

4. Repetition of Results for Emphasis: The results are restated to reinforce the success of the actions taken. In copywriting, repetition of key points can ensure that readers take away the most important messages, especially when they skim content.

5. Progression of Trust: The post mentions the evolution of the client relationship, from a single campaign to full digital marketing trust. Establishing trust is key in both sales copy as it can lead to increased engagement and shares, improving content visibility.

6. Personalized Call-to-Action (CTA): The CTA is personal and direct: “Send me a DM. Let’s chat.” This type of CTA can lead to higher engagement rates on social platforms and, when used on websites, can increase conversions.

7. Social Proof: The interactions (likes and comments) serve as social proof, subtly persuading readers of the post’s credibility. SEO benefits from social proof as well, as it can lead to increased backlinks (like from this article!) and mentions, which are strong ranking signals.

8. Casual Tone: The tone is conversational and casual, which can resonate well with the LinkedIn audience. Maintaining a user-friendly tone can improve the readability of content, making it more approachable and likely to be shared.

For your own LinkedIn copywriting, consider these strategies:

  • Open with strong, relatable statistics or facts.
  • Structure your post as a story with a clear narrative.
  • Use a step-by-step format to outline processes or strategies.
  • Repeat your most important results or messages for emphasis.
  • Show progression in client relationships to build trust.
  • Include a personal and direct CTA.
  • Utilize social proof to enhance credibility.
  • Keep a casual and conversational tone to engage readers.

5. Velocity Global Hiring Guide

Velocity Global Hiring Guide

Last but not least, this is a LinkedIn copywriting example from Velocity Global for a free hiring guide they offer. Let’s break down the strategies they deploy.

1. Addressing a Universal Challenge: The copy addresses a universal challenge in the modern workplace: finding the right candidate, regardless of location. This is effective because it aligns with common search queries around remote hiring and global team management.

2. Positioning the Brand as a Solution: Velocity Global is positioned as the solution that enables hiring and managing a team anywhere. Positioning your brand as a solution within the content can help increase conversions.

3. Offering a Tangible Resource: The post promotes a “free guide” which is a lead magnet designed to offer value while also capturing leads. The business can then convert those leads in the backend.

4. Use of Actionable Language: Phrases like “Secure the perfect candidate,” and “Download now” are action-oriented and encourage immediate response. Including such calls-to-action can improve click-through and conversion rates, which are beneficial for LinkedIn SEO.

5. Emphasizing Flexibility and Compliance: By mentioning “compliantly,” the company touches on a significant concern for businesses and reassures them.

6. Clarity and Conciseness: The copy is clear and concise, quickly informing the reader of the value proposition. Social media favors content that is easily understood and gets to the point quickly, as it tends to keep readers engaged.

7. Visually Striking Image: The use of a visually striking image of mountains with a clear sky implies a metaphor for ‘high aspirations’ and ‘broad horizons’ which can resonate emotionally.

8. Provocative Statement: “The (Hiring) World Is Yours” is a provocative and empowering statement that grabs attention.

These are the main takeaways from Velocity Global to implement:

  • Identify and address common challenges in your industry.
  • Position your brand as a solution to these challenges.
  • Offer valuable resources to your audience.
  • Use clear, actionable language for your calls-to-action.
  • Highlight the unique selling points of your service, such as flexibility or compliance.
  • Be clear and concise in your messaging.
  • Use visually appealing images to complement your text.
  • Craft provocative or compelling statements to draw attention.
  • Ensure your branding is prominent and memorable.

Final Thoughts on Today’s LinkedIn Copywriting Examples

Wrapping up, it’s clear that LinkedIn copywriting is not just about being seen—it’s about being remembered.

It’s the art of transforming a static page into a dynamic conversation.

Whether you’re inspiring a click, a call, or a career change, the principles we’ve unpacked are your keystones for success.

You can learn more about copywriting and marketing in my online courses.

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