Trying to sharpen the saw in regards to copywriting?
You’re in the right place.
Writing is a skill. And, that means practice makes perfect.
It’s easy to get rusty when you don’t write or study copywriting on a regular basis.
That’s why I’m pulling you a favor (No need to thank me) and compiled some of the best resources to learn copywriting and improve writing processes.
Bookmark this and share it with every writer you know!
Blogs, websites, and articles
These are some of the best blogs, websites, and individual pieces of content that will help you become a better copywriter.
Some of them are templates, tools, or other free resources you don’t want to miss out on.
Check it out. 👇
Swiping is a copywriter’s best friend.
It’s the process of collecting other pieces of copy, material, and examples for inspiration.
This will net you an overflowing bucket of copywriting material.
That’s why is so amazing.
Use the search filters to find copywriting examples from any industries or brand. Enter a keyword to further narrow the results.

Examples will have an explanation of the strategies used along with highlighted notes as you can see here:

Use this website when you’re looking for new ideas or get a visit from that pesky writer’s block.
CopyHackers blog

The Copyhackers blog is one of the go-to resources to learn more about writing epic copy.
Their content includes guides, case studies, lists, templates, and more.
They publish new content every day, so you can tune in to constantly find new articles.
There’s no generic stuff here, either.
Copyhackers perform a lot of primary research and come up with unique content ideas that gives you something exciting to read.
Their guides are also broken down into the following categories:
- Copywriting
- Ad copywriting
- Email copywriting
- Freelancing
- Planning and pre-work
- Optimization
- Content
- The seven sweeps (Editing)
Make sure to check out their weekly live webinar and copywriter boot camp, as well.
Copywriting 101 book by Copyblogger
Copyblogger is another of the most read copywriting blogs on the internet.
Outside of their awesome blog articles, they offer a free copywriting e-book that covers the basics of crafting compelling copy.

It’s 91 pages of strategies, tips, and elements that are guaranteed to make you the Stephen King of copywriting.
Here are some things you will learn:
- How to write drool-worthy headlines.
- What makes people read the first sentence. And the second. And the third. Etc.
- Structuring persuasive copy effectively.
- Understanding benefits and features.
- Scientifically backed strategies.
- And more!
Kopywriting Kourse’s free course
If you’ve ever Googled for something related to copywriting, I’m sure you’ve seen pop up.
That’s because it’s one of the—if not the—most popular copywriting blog on the internet.
It’s run by a gentleman named Neville Medhora.

While you definitely need to read his blog to learn everything juicy about copywriting, there’s another special offer he has: his free copywriting course!

It’s a free (Yes, really) eight-part video copywriting course that teaches you about:
- What copywriting is about.
- The difference between selling to customers and educating them.
- The AIDA copywriting formula.
- How to write like you speak.
- How to appeal to customers on a primal level.
- The difference between product features and benefits.
No paywall. No email opt-in. Just a fantastic free copywriting resource. 🙂
Headline Generator
Oh, headlines.
They’re such a small part of what we write, yet so important.
In fact, most people only read the headline of content.
A.K.A if your headline stinks, everybody will be clicking elsewhere.
That’s why coming up with lots of headline ideas is great for inspiration and variety.
This free headline generator tool is simple to use.
Type in a keyword and click the button to begin.

The results page will give you 700 headline ideas to ensure your well of inspiration is never dry.

Copy and paste these into a spreadsheet for safe keeping.
YouTube channels to watch
It’s nice to kick back and watch some YouTube videos.
I watch—or rather, listen—to videos when I cook, clean, and do chores.
It’s a great way to absorb knowledge without needing to sit down and read everything word for word.
Check out these YouTube channels to kick your copywriting skills up a notch.
Alex Cattoni
Alex Cattoni is a professional writer, speaker, and mastermind founder.
She has a cool story, too.
Alex was studying in law school when she suddenly dropped it to travel to Malaysia for a publishing gig.
This started her entrepreneurial journey where she’s launched several successful companies since 2011.
She has gone on to scale multi-million dollar brands, writing high-converting copy, and more.
Alex also makes some killer YouTube videos you have to see.

They have a focus on copywriting strategies, processes, how to get clients, and other general entrepreneur topics.
She appears to publish a video every week or more frequently.
Dan Lok
I’m sure you’ve gotten a few Dan Lok YouTube ads before, right?
I get them literally every day.
I like you Dan. Just not like that. 😉
In case you’re out of the loop, Dan Lok runs a wildly successful brand doing sales, copywriting, mentoring, talks, and more.
Copywriting is his bread and butter, though.

He has over two million subscribers that tune into his videos about closing clients, copywriting techniques, how to begin writing, and more.
Brian Dean
Brian Dean, A.K.A the brains behind Backlinko, is one of the greatest digital marketers.
While his blog and brand revolves around SEO, he has touched on copywriting quite a bit on his YouTube channel recently.

His videos are very practical, actionable, and fun to watch.
He educates viewers on how to write effective copy, optimize content for search engines, and create squeeze pages.
You can find similar topics on his blog, as well.
AWAI is American Writers and Artists Inc.
They are the world’s leading provider of copywriting training and learning since 1997. That’s almost older than me!
Their members gain access to training programs, live events, and a community to grow as a writer.
Whether or not you want to dish out the cash for their products, you owe it to yourself to watch their YouTube channel.

They cover topics like:
- Overcoming copywriting challenges.
- How to create a mindset that helps you succeed as a writer.
- How to make a living as a writer.
- What the highest-paid and biggest opportunities are right now for writers.
- How to generate high quality writing clients.
Kopywriting Kourse (Yet again!)
Guess who’s back? Back again?
No, It’s not Slim Shady. It’s Neville Medhora!
While he still blogs and sends out newsletters, he has been publishing more YouTube videos, too.

You will learn everything about finding freelance copywriting clients, writing blog posts, and becoming more creative.
Books that need to be on your shelf
Do you enjoy reading?
How about a good audiobook?
If so, check out these books on copywriting next time you’re feeling like channeling your inner book worm.
The Copywriters Handbook
Robert W. Bly is the author of the Copywriter’s Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Copy That Sells.

It doesn’t matter if you write, approve, or edit copy. You need this book.
It applies to freelancers, advertising managers, account executives, and anyone involved in business. Period.
You will learn secret copywriting strategies that apply to ads, articles, commercials, direct mail, and other material.
Robert Bly also reveals:
- Eight types of headlines, how to use them, and the science of why they work.
- 11 ways to make copy easily readable.
- 15 different ways to start a sales letter.
- The nine traits that make up every successful print ad.
- How to build a lucrative career in copywriting.
- 15 strategies for maximizing email copy performance.
My favorite part of this is book is that David Ogilvy said: “I don’t know a single copywriter whose work would not be improved by reading this book.”
The Adweek Copywriting Handbook
Commonly mixed up with the previous, The Adweek Copywriting Handbook was written by legendary advertiser Joseph Sugarman.

This is another of one of my favorite all-time books on writing.
I believe it was one of the first copywriting books I read, but I still use many of the strategies and processes to this day.
Joseph Sugarman provides clear guidelines on how to write copy that motivates and persuades customers to buy anything. I swear.
Everything from getting ideas onto paper to polishing brilliant sales letters is laid out step-by-step.
Author Joe Vitale once said “Sugarman is a living legend and by-God genius at writing copy that sells. This book is his masterpiece. It reveals all of his hard-earned secrets. The writing is riveting and the wisdom is worth gold. This is the best book on copywriting in the entire history of marketing.”
The Elements of Style
Let’s be real.
Very few of us are naturally gifted when it comes to punctuation, grammar, and syntax.
You have to mess up enough commas and semi-colons to learn the tricks of the trade.
It’s still tough when you do.
That’s why Elements of Style was such a great read for me.

I’ve read it twice now and plan to go through it again in the near future.
This short read will teach you all of the technical ways to polish grammar, punctuation, and style to make any linguistic expert jump in excitement.
Better yet, it’s free! Get it here and stash it away.
Everybody Writes
This is easily one of the best books I’ve read recently.
The author, Ann Handley, is the Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs.
So, yeah. She knows her stuff.
That’s not to mention Ann is a columnist for Entrepreneur, a LinkedIn influencer, and a keynote speaker.
Her book Everybody Writes dispels the myth that only some people are destined to be writers.

It’s a skill that can be learned like anything else.
This book covers all of the strategies, philosophies, and processes that go into publishing epic content.
Every blogger, marketer, and entrepreneur involved in writing needs to have this book.
Wrapping up this copywriting resources list
You’re a copywriter whether you know it or not.
Writing emails, blog posts, ads, text messages, memos, and everything in between requires copy.
Marketers need to sharpen their skills if they want to continually generate results from their writing.
This list of writing resources gives you everything you need to write epic copy, come up with ideas, and have endless bouts of inspiration.
I also suggest getting my free courses while you’re at it.
What’s your favorite resource from the list?