Looking to spice up your copy and learn new things about writing?
Then you need to listen to a copywriting podcast.
Heck, 51% of people have listened to a podcast, according to an InfiniteDial study.

You’ve probably listened to one while working, studying, or commuting, right?
Music is cool and all, but I’ll let you in on a secret…
There’s a book called The Millionaire Fastlane, and the author, M. J. DeMarco, coins a term called mobile university.
Think about it.
All the time you’re listening to music at the gym, at home, or where ever could be replaced with education.
With that being said, here are the top copywriting podcasts you need to start listening to ASAP.
1. Copyblogger FM
Copyblogger FM, as could guess, is made by none other than the famous copywriting website Copyblogger.

It’s hosted by Derrell Vesterfelt (Co-founder of Authentikhq) and Tim Stoddart (Copyblogger partner.)
Their podcast focuses on easily digestible bite-size episodes.
I’m a fan of both long and short podcasts.
The first is good while working for long hours, while the other is nice when you want to learn something lightning fast.
Some of their recent episode topics include:
- How to Turn Pro as a Freelance Writer
- Marketing Segmentation and Personalization
- How to Get More of the Right Things Done
- Why the Future Is Still Email
- How Smart, Nimble Companies Are Using Webinars Today
So, technically it isn’t just about copywriting.
But the other topics like segmenting, email, and webinars will all benefit you greatly.
If you want to truly master copywriting, consider enrolling in one of my copywriting courses, as well.
2. Hot Copy
Hot Copy is a copywriting podcast hosted by Belinda Weaver and Kate Toon.
Oh, and they have wonderful Australian accents! 🙂

What I really enjoy about their show is that they bring on other professionals and successful writers to interview.
Some of their guests include:
- Glenn Fisher (Direct response copywriter)
- Cindy Childress (Ph. D. ghostwriter)
- Steve Folland (Host of Being Freelance podcast)
- Steve Slaunwhite (Author, speaker, copywriter)
- Ami Williamson (E-commerce conversion copywriter)
- And more!
They also cover a wide range of interesting topics like SEO writing, generating leads, making money as an author, and more.
You will learn a lot of new things about different fields of copywriting from experts who walk the walk.
3. The Copywriter Club Podcast
You want to be in the clubhouse, right?
Then don’t miss out on The Copywriter Club Podcast hosted by Rob and Kira. (They also go by Robira!)

Their goal is to make you “Think about your business in a BIGGER way. We’re talking about T-Rex-kind-of-BIG.”
Learn about talented copywriters and their successes, failures, habits, techniques, and more.
Some of their recent episodes have touched on the topics of pricing models, business launches, writing sales letters, and storytelling.
Overall, Rob and Kira will set you up to create and grow a lucrative writing business through their advice and guests.
4. The Wise Business Podcast
Hey, that’s me!
Shameless plug, I know.
However, I’ve started to really enjoy podcasting and producing episodes, so I wanted to share my show with you.
I’ve mostly focused on my blog, but YouTube and podcasting are a bigger focus this year.
The Wise Business Podcast got its name from a trend some of my entrepreneur friends, and I started a few years back.

We began naming projects and companies with “Wise” or “Wyse” in the name as an inside joke.
The podcast covers topics almost completely on copywriting and content writing.
It will teach you the strategies to write more effective copy, get freelance clients, and speed up workflow.
Check out the Spotify link above or search for it on Soundcloud, Google Play, iTunes, and other major platforms!
5. Good Copy Bad Copy
Good Copy Bad Copy has been publishing B2B related podcast episodes since 2013.

Some of the many copywriting hosts include:
- Nick Prescott
- Katy Eddy
- Ben Philpott
- David McQuire
- Priya Khutan
- Benjamin Clarke
They dive deep into subjects, such as using research in B2B copy, writing checklists, barriers to good writing, and how to write for specific audiences.
It has a focus on B2B, so if you are a B2B copywriter or mostly write to businesses, don’t miss their show.
6. Copywriters Podcast
This is a classic podcast on copywriting that I used to listen to all the time when I’d go for evening runs.
It’s laid back, mellow, and the host—David Garfinkel—is a seasoned writer with oceans of knowledge to share.

His story starts back in high school when he wrote for the school newspaper called The Montgomery Tide.
He learned how to write copy by sending out direct mail to parents asking them to subscribe to Tide.
They did. And he made some good cash while he was it.
Nowadays, David works with millionaire copywriters and entrepreneurs.
His podcast teaches you how to make more money from copywriting along with secret techniques and processes.
7. Copy That Pops
Copy That Pops is hosted by travel lover, speaker, and entrepreneur Laura Petersen.

Laura’s entrepreneurial journey began after reading the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. (Doesn’t it for most of us?)
She pursued a few interesting ventures along the way, too. These included a balloon animal artist for hire gig, a cut-up shirt apparel company, and selling a deck of cards that teach you how to count cards.
Yes, counting cards is like in a casino. 😂
Anyways. Her podcast will teach you about copywriting psychology, editing, and self-publishing.
8. Geniuses Of Copywriting
This is a really cool concept.
Geniuses Of Copywriting brings on a new copywriting genius every episode to learn about their story, ideas, and strategies for becoming a talented writer.

Some of their recent guests include:
- Chris Haddad (Founder of Monerfingers and wildly successful copywriter.)
- Drayton Bird (David Ogilvy once said, “Drayton Bird knows more about direct marketing than anyone in the world.”)
- Brian Kurtz
- Caleb O’Dowd
- Justin Brooke
- John Carlton
- Michel Fortin
- Dan Ferrari
Not only do you learn how to write top-notch copy from some of the best writers in the world, but you learn their stories and how they’re just like us.
Wrapping up the best copywriting podcasts
Podcasts are one of the most convenient ways to learn on the move.
You don’t have to read a 3,000 word article word for word or sit down and watch a video.
You can be cooking, cleaning, working, or doing anything else and listening.
You can sharpen your writing skills and learn how to make more money from the pros by tuning into the podcasts I mentioned today.
Enroll in my copywriting courses to take your writing skills and income to the next level.