Ever felt like you’re not good enough or made for success in some area of your life? That’s a limiting belief. They cause you to doubt yourself and hold you back from being the best version of yourself.
And, guess what? We’ve all had them or experienced it at some point. It’s natural. However, you need to take certain steps to build confidence and overcome limiting beliefs to transform your life.
That’s what I’m talking about in this article today. You will learn what limiting beliefs are and actionable steps you can take to work on them right away.
Follow along!
What are Limiting Beliefs?
Picture this: you’re pursuing a goal, minding your own business when suddenly, bam! You hit a mental roadblock and think “I can’t do it” or “I’m not ready.”
Now, where do limiting beliefs come from? Childhood experiences, societal pressures, you name it. According to studies, most of our beliefs are formed by the age of 7. Crazy, right? But, just because they’re deeply ingrained doesn’t mean they’re set in stone.
Limiting beliefs can be about anything, such as:
- Relationships.
- Money.
- Career.
- Business.
- Health.
- Productivity.
- Etc.
These beliefs are like weeds. Left unchecked, they’ll choke out your potential for growth and cause you to self-sabotage.
Identifying Limiting Beliefs
Let me elaborate more on my previous point. To figure out what limiting beliefs you have, grab a pen and paper (or open a note on your phone, we’re not picky), and let’s do some reflecting.
Journal about your thoughts, emotions, and worries. Ask yourself: What holds me back? When do I doubt myself the most? Why do I hesitate to take that leap?
Next, we want to spot patterns. Are there recurring themes in your self-talk? Do certain situations trigger those feelings of inadequacy or fear? According to research, our brains are wired to develop habits even if they work against us.

Those habits include our thought patterns. But here’s the good news: awareness brings consciousness to these habits and allows you to break them.
For example, if you find yourself doubting if you’re capable enough to start a business or get your dream job, become aware of when that happens and think the opposite. E.g., “I’m capable and worthy of starting a business, and I have to take it step by step.”
That brings me to my next point.
Challenging Limiting Beliefs
Research points to the fact that positive affirmations can rewire our brains and boost confidence. This is one of the best steps to take when overcoming limiting beliefs.

Here’s something you can do: when your mind tries to convince you that you’re not good enough, ask for proof. Spoiler alert: often there isn’t! It’s our worries and anxieties that make up scenarios and situations that haven’t even happened.
That’s when you can look at your goals and desires objectively. What have you accomplished in the past that proves otherwise? Remind yourself of your wins and you’ll clearly see those beliefs don’t have any weight.
Developing Empowering Beliefs
So, you’ve worked on your limiting beliefs and now need to replace them with healthier habits. Here’s what to do.
First up, set goals. 86% of people who set specific, challenging goals are more likely to achieve success. Get crystal clear on what you want to do in each area of your life (health, career, relationships, etc.) Whether it’s landing your dream job or running a marathon, aim high and plan the steps you can take to get there.

Next, I can’t stress the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people. I’ve had negative people in the past who brought me down and discouraged me. I spent years networking and building my social circle to the point where I’m only around loving ambitious friends.
It’s no secret that our social circles play a huge role in shaping our beliefs and behaviors. So, ditch the Debbie Downers and spend time with those who you aspire to be like. Whether it’s joining a mastermind group or just grabbing coffee with a supportive friend, surround yourself with people who lift you up.
And last but not least, there are daily rituals. Like I talked about earlier, journaling and reflecting should be a daily habit to check in on yourself. Meditation and visualization are also effective and I personally love them. The more you can introduce healthy rituals that build up your confidence and self-esteem, the better.
Accountability When Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
We’ve talked about many different strategies and ideas to solve your limiting beliefs. Great. Now, let’s move on to a very important but overlooked topic: accountability.
Accountability is the ability to hold yourself accountable for your actions, beliefs, the situations you are in. It’s easy to point the finger and blame others, but you must participate in your own rescue.
Where accountability comes into our conversation is the idea that you need to be honest with yourself about how you hold yourself back. Maybe some of these beliefs come from childhood or your parents, but you are reinforcing them. It is up to you to resolve them.
Accountability is also needed as you develop positive habits. You can buddy up with a friend, hire a coach, or join a supportive community to hold your feet to the fire. External accountability increases our chances of sticking to our goals. So, don’t go it alone!
And remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are empowering beliefs. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and learn from your setbacks. This growth mindset will help you stick to your new rituals and see progress.
Final Thoughts on Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts that hold us back from success and growth. Many times, we don’t even realize we have these beliefs. They can manifest in any area of your life and must be addressed to become your best self.
Here’s a recap of today’s article:
- Limiting beliefs are thoughts and patterns that hold us back and limit our growth.
- You can have limiting beliefs about money, success, relationships, health, and anything in general.
- The first step is to reflect on where you self-sabotage and hold yourself back. Be honest and try to spot any patterns or trends.
- Make a mindfulness practice of bringing awareness to these thoughts as they arise and replace them with positive ones.
- Develop healthy habits like journaling, visualizing goals, meditating, exercising, etc. to raise your confidence and self-esteem.
- Surround yourself with ambitious like-minded people that can hold you accountable and push you out of your comfort zone.